
Sandplay Therapy is based on the psychology of C.G. Jung and was developed by the Swiss psychotherapist and teacher Dora Kalff. Sandplay Therapy is a modality that is for both children and adults. It is particularly useful for identifying and reconciling internal conflicts that manifest as anxiety and depression, as well as penetrating the depths of personality to experience the Self directly. While it may seem like child’s play, Sandplay Therapy provides a way for the unconscious to become visible and integrated into the consciousness so it can be healed.

“Neurobiological research supports the fact that emotional memories and traumatic sensory experiences are stored in the limbic system and right hemisphere of the brain, along with non-verbal, sensory experiences such as images, body sensations, and emotions”(TransitionalSupport.com.au). Sandplay can be an effective way to access and release these “unconscious” feelings and experiences and bring them into consciousness.

The world within the sand tray is expressed by using symbols (miniature toys, figurines, natural materials that are on shelves in the counseling room). The symbols can represent parts of ourselves, they become significant symbols for us as our inner meanings are projected onto them. When exploring the symbols on the shelves during the session, some of the symbols may stand out. We may feel repulsed or attracted to certain symbols, this is usually a clue that a symbol is important. The repulsion or attraction can be an expression of the unconscious. Sometimes we may choose symbols that represent themes about things we are already conscious of. Other times we allow the symbols to choose us. When we start to arrange the symbols in the sand tray they start to express the language of our unconscious. 

In the beginning, it may not make immediate sense to the person creating it, but guided by Hayley, a person in therapy—even a child—can begin to understand the relationship between the creation in the sand and their inner world. This process enhances self-esteem as you as the client, are the creator of your own healing process. Sandplay Therapy acts as an aid for reflection, guiding you to think about your own cognitive process.

Hayley is available Wednesday afternoons and evenings, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.
* Medibank Private, BUPA & Police Health fund Rebates available for Counselling.

For any inquiries please phone 0439220136 
